Saturday, January 20, 2007

Intersection, Iidabashi

"Of course you accumulate certain experiences, but basically it's about how you see things and it's about what voice you have. If you have something to say, then people will listen. If you have nothing to say, then you make or remake Shrek 3. Or, as in America, you buy the rights to all these wonderful Asian films because we've run out of ideas. [...] Filmmaking in Asia is much more dynamic because people have a voice. People have a voice because they have a story, because they're actually living instead of negotiating or litigating."
- Christopher Doyle, one of the world's finest cinematographers (with a string of gorgeous films to his credit including several Wong Kar-Wai classics such as In the Mood for Love). The quote comes from an interview that can be found at Posted by Picasa


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